Doctors of all streams, alternative healing professionals, medical shop owners, healthcare distributors, NGO’s, club members, and businessmen/women who want to donate the herbal products can apply. Please be informed that dealership of our products is not provided as an alternate profession for conducting business but as an extension for people who are already in the business of healthcare or feel deeply about it.
We DON’T deal in credit. The amount has to be first deposited in our account, the third or fourth day of which your order is being dispatched. Once your order is being sent, we share with you the courier Company’s name and Tracking ID so that you can trace your order. You get the order in maximum 2-5 days depending upon the location being served.
Yes, you can. But for that you need to buy the products online at retail price. We sincerely wish that you trust the efficiency of the product before asking us for dealership. Here, we deal with ONLY bulk enquiries. For your personal health issue, contact our customer care.
Not at all. You just need to have an interest in making people’s life better and the basic knowledge of the product to partner with us.
You can place your next order as and when you like. You are not bound to placing an order every month. However, the acceptable minimum quantity is100bottles with 1 canopy.
Yes, Tasu Traders' herbal products can be used as dietary supplements due to their nutritional content.
Yes, Tasu Traders' herbal products are certified by India government nd relevant authorities to ensure quality and safety.
Tasu Traders' herbal products are generally safe when used as directed, but individual reactions may vary.
Yes, Tasu Traders' herbal products are known for their medicinal properties and are used in various pharmaceutical products.
Tasu Traders' herbal products are processed using traditional methods to preserve their natural properties.
Yes, Tasu Traders' herbal products are organically grown and processed.
Tasu Traders offers a range of herbal products, including Edu Kola Nuts and Agus Nut.
While generally safe, it's recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before using herbal products, especially for pregnant women, children, and those with specific medical conditions.
Herbal products are often considered safer than synthetic drugs and can have fewer side effects.
Herbal products are derived from plants or plant extracts and used for medicinal purposes.


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